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Gail Miller's Recent Galleries

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10-Feb-2025 21:34
Great Gray Owl at Two Harbors, Minnesota
gallery: Great Gray Owl at Two Harbors, Minnesota
09-Feb-2025 22:12
Great Gray Owl at Two Harbors, Minnesota
gallery: Great Gray Owl at Two Harbors, Minnesota
15-Jan-2025 01:05
Lennon, his sister Stevie and daddy Loggins
gallery: Lennon, his sister Stevie and daddy Loggins
15-Jan-2025 01:05
GCH CH Blumoon's For The First Time -- Loggins
gallery: GCH CH Blumoon's For The First Time -- Loggins
08-Sep-2024 15:25
Lost Dutchman Resort in Colorado
gallery: Lost Dutchman Resort in Colorado
08-Sep-2024 15:23
Colorado Birds
gallery: Colorado Birds
21-Sep-2023 00:20
Wildlife in Colorado
gallery: Wildlife in Colorado
30-Mar-2023 00:31
Lewis Crossing Shopping Center Birding (Petco Ponds)
gallery: Lewis Crossing Shopping Center Birding (Petco Ponds)
21-Sep-2022 01:59
Wildflowers in Colorado, some from a packet of seeds that I bought.
gallery: Wildflowers in Colorado, some from a packet of seeds that I bought.
15-Aug-2022 02:10
Maxine's Belgian Malinois Puppies
gallery: Maxine's Belgian Malinois Puppies
10-May-2022 23:50
Mississippi Kite
gallery: Mississippi Kite
03-May-2022 00:39
gallery: arkansas_birds_2022