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John Phillips | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for John Phillips
Name John Phillips (joined 15-Feb-2009) (pbase supporter)
Username jjoejr
Location Southeast Texas
Southeast Texas
View Galleries : John Phillips has 4 galleries and 459 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 165778 times.

View Guestbook : 14 messages. Most recent on 10-Dec-2016.

Message from John Phillips

Greetings from the Great State of Texas. Photography has been my passion for over 30 years. Born long ago in a little sleepy hollow town called Orange Texas and still here. Many have said I need to go west to photograph the mountains and desert. Some have said I need to go north to capture the snowy landscape. Others suggested I go east to photograph the fall colors of new england. I digressed from all of the above. Instead, I made it my mission to capture the surrounding beauty of my area within a 100 mile radius. Southeast Texas is privileged to some of the best shorebird photographic opportunities in the nation. Unlimited swamp scenery and wildlife. Add to this an abundance of natural flora. No matter where you live, if only you look, listen, and pay attention, you'll find beauty in your own backyard.


Michael Broussard for the construction of this sight.
Eino Lilback for introducing me to birding years ago.
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