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jtocaciu's Recent Galleries

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23-Feb-2025 11:10
Viscri Weisskirich Transilvania
Viscri Weisskirich Transilvania
23-Feb-2025 07:52
Brukental Hotel Avrig
Brukental Hotel Avrig
23-Feb-2025 05:24
Bran Castle
Bran Castle
23-Feb-2025 05:06
Grafittis, Posters and Shop Windows
Grafittis, Posters and Shop Windows
23-Feb-2025 04:52
Street B&W photography
Street B&W photography
23-Feb-2025 04:52
Sibiu Transilvania
Sibiu Transilvania
22-Feb-2025 08:04
Turda City -  Cluj County
Turda City - Cluj County
21-Feb-2025 14:55
Romania Towns and Places
Romania Towns and Places
21-Feb-2025 12:35
Bucharest Romania
Bucharest Romania