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I would like to express a big Thank You to all of you that have visited and especially to those of you that have let me know your appreciation!

The main theme is birds and bird photography. But you will also find pictures of butterflies, mammals and other things.

The section for Trip reports cover many countries such as Thailand, West Papua, Sulawesi, Halmahera, Lesser Sundas and other parts of Indonesia.

Hope to see you one day!

My sound recordings:


Locations of visitors to this pageFatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites
Birds of Thailand
:: Birds of Thailand ::
:: Tripreports! ::
Daytrips out of Bangkok!
:: Daytrips out of Bangkok! ::
:: Birders ::
Birds of Indonesia
:: Birds of Indonesia ::
Birds of Malaysia
:: Birds of Malaysia ::
Birds of Vietnam
:: Birds of Vietnam ::
Birds of Bhutan
:: Birds of Bhutan ::
Birds of Singapore
:: Birds of Singapore ::
Birds of Philippines
:: Birds of Philippines ::
Birds of China
:: Birds of China ::
Birds of Japan
:: Birds of Japan ::
Birds of Sri Lanka
:: Birds of Sri Lanka ::
Birds of Tanzania
:: Birds of Tanzania ::
Birds of the USA
:: Birds of the USA ::
Birds of Australia
:: Birds of Australia ::
Birds of New Zealand
:: Birds of New Zealand ::
Birds of Sweden
:: Birds of Sweden  ::
:: Trips! ::
Waders of Thailand
:: Waders of Thailand ::
Waterbirds of Thailand
:: Waterbirds of Thailand ::
Waders of the World!
:: Waders of the World! ::
Seabirds at Kaikoura, New Zealand
:: Seabirds at Kaikoura, New Zealand ::
Bird photo tutorial
:: Bird photo tutorial ::
:: Animals ::
Lepidoptera of Thailand (butterflies and moth)
:: Lepidoptera of Thailand (butterflies and moth) ::
Odonata of Thailand (dragonflies and damselflies)
:: Odonata of Thailand (dragonflies and damselflies) ::
True Bugs, Hoppers, Aphids, and Allies (Hemiptera) and some Anthopila
:: True Bugs, Hoppers, Aphids, and Allies (Hemiptera) and some Anthopila ::
Flies (Diptera)
:: Flies (Diptera) ::
Lepidoptera and Odonata of Singapore!
:: Lepidoptera and Odonata of Singapore! ::
Lepidoptera, Odonata, Bugs and other insects of Sweden
:: Lepidoptera, Odonata, Bugs and other insects of Sweden ::
Butterflies  of Indonesia
:: Butterflies of Indonesia ::
:: Landscape ::
Family travels
:: Family travels ::
Happy New Year!
:: Happy New Year! ::
Sweden in October 2011
:: Sweden in October 2011 ::